Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can address a number of conditions in people of any gender and can be a first line treatment related to the lower back, pelvis, pelvic floor, bladder and core in adults of all ages.

What to expect:

During your first visit we will discuss your unique story and extensive health history as it relates to your current condition. If indicated, we will perform a physical assessment that may include an internal exam to assess pelvic floor muscles and other pelvic structures. An internal exam is not a requirement for assessment but can in some instances be the most effective way to determine the root cause of an issue. If an internal exam is performed it is done with great care for your comfort every step of the way.

We can treat chronic lower back and pelvic pain, stress and urge incontinence, painful intercourse, pelvic organ prolapse, interstitial cystitis, bladder pain, painful periods, lichens sclerosis, vulvodynia, vaginismus, constipation and more.

We take a whole person approach to your current pelvic health issue and are trauma sensitive and inclusive in our care. For women, we can treat at any point in your monthly cycle. Treatment includes hands-on-techniques when appropriate, breathing and exercise/lifestyle prescription to help you manage your condition.

Many pelvic pain conditions are under-diagnosed and under-treated with people (even people in healthcare) believing it is just “aging” or the “way things are.”

Pelvic health PT is "NOT just about ‘Kegels’. Pelvic health PT can assess muscular strength and weakness; the ability to contract AND relax are both fundamental to good function. How we sit, stand, breathe and move all play a role in overall pelvic health.